Thursday, August 28, 2008

DNC open thread

Here's tonight's schedule. Personally, I'm looking forward to Michael McDonald.

See you down below.


  1. That set doesn't look garish at all.

  2. I've developed a hatred of Norah O'Donnell during the course of the convention. I had this idea that maybe MSNBC could replace her with Michelle Bernard on the B-team, but instead they appear to have replaced Maddow with Bernard while keeping O'Donnell. Unacceptable.

  3. Hour and 45 till Obama and only Al Gore on the agenda?

  4. OT: The laugh track on That '70s Show is very surround sound enhanced. And loud. And constant.

    I LOVE it!

  5. These call and response things with the crowd would be so much more impressive on TV if they'd mic the crowd.

  6. have you ever heard Al talk this fast?

  7. I've noticed that most speakers really don't know how to pull off a call and response. You must pause on the response line. Even the first time you do it, to indicate that it is a c&r line. The speaker should modify his speaking to the crowd's rhythm, not the other way around.

    Also cannot figure out why I see so many politicians stomp their own applause lines. A staffer should never let his man speak without making sure he knows what his applause lines are and how they should be delivered.

    And dammit, Gore looks like a Romulan.

    And he's got that change of his body direction every 10 seconds, left, center, right that just drives me crazy. Learn how to read a telepromptor without having to stare at it and make eye contact with the crowd without turning your body.

  8. I agree that some of them aren't very good at it, but they seem worse because of the way that the sound is set up.

    And of course Gore looks like a Romulan. What do you expect?

  9. "Also cannot figure out why I see so many politicians stomp their own applause lines. A staffer should never let his man speak without making sure he knows what his applause lines are and how they should be delivered."

    Um, cuz I got so much to say and I got to get it out--damn you staffers who try to control me!

  10. and can we get an amen that they are having to actually play real music?

  11. How am I going to get my dose of mid-60s folk and mid-80s rock?

    There is a "Tribute to Retired Generals" coming up. If you don't want to miss, I suggest you get over to CSPAN.

    You could also join me at the Deuce for Beavs-Cardinal.

  12. Unless you're a cheap bastard who doesn't kick down for basic cable like Wobs.

  13. Got a text from Barack reminding me to watch.

  14. cable? the Communist plot (along with fluoride) to make us stupid? of course we don't have it--we love America too much.

  15. I've been watching NC State / South Carolina, but that sounds like a better game.

  16. I don't just have cable, I have two TVs in my living room.

  17. Did I mention the 42" plasma tv?

  18. you and my wife dr--both on the cookie name--but who doesn't love the great, fig, newton?!

  19. Also, I turned away for a minute to see if MSNBC was covering this (sort of, but not really) and when I turn back there are women on state. Lady generals?? Do we have them? I'm surprised and impressed. We need to understand the bugs, to beat the bugs.

  20. The American people are never, ever going to believe that Dems are better on foreign policy and the military than the Republicans.

    We should drop it. Focus on the strengths. Education, health care, and...well..feeling their pain.

  21. Hyper children who've been cooped up in cars all day don't make for easy pol watching.

  22. Is Biden plagiarizing his speech from last night?

  23. JB wouldn't complain about his children Wobs--weren't you listening last night?

  24. By the by, I was really disappointed that Stevie Wonder didn't take it to John McCain. I mean, what was he thinking?

  25. He apparently has an invisible friend named Harry

  26. JB would meet his match with E. right now.

  27. are you implying i have invisible friends? because ... i might.

  28. "Working-class families were doing well in Detroit until George Bush took office."

    I almost chocked on my pizza.

    Were he hear, Lex and I would know be debating whether Teamster dude is a poor schlub who actually believes that or a smart schlub who knows how to frame.

  29. So, all day McCain teases a veep pick tonight, and now we're supposed to think he's so great because he's ceding the night to Obama?

  30. surely the comments have stopped because we are all amazed by these amazing stories!

  31. "Working-class families were doing well in Detroit until George Bush took office."

    I am in Toledo watching with the fam. The consensus here was the last few years of the (LB)Johnson administration weren't so great in Detroit, and some of the years between those two periods were kind of rough too.

  32. How far did they have to look for Barney Smith? With the Forrest Gump shirt and diction and all?

  33. How far did they have to look for Barney Smith to set up the Smith Barney line ?

  34. At least we get some Boss! Lex must be peeing his pants.

  35. He probably meant, "struggling to find a casino"

  36. Man, I just imagined my own version of the talking point for a joke. Crap.

  37. People already Dem activists are being asked to sign up for Obama texts?


    The "let's all text something" schtick is played out.

  38. the Boss? stuck with PBS watching Bobo who got too much sun.

  39. Power to the People - John Lennon. 1971.

    The newest song I have heard played at this convention is 23 years old.

  40. How exactly can AFT be a union of professionals, if we don't act like it? Two of you don't have cable and one of you doesn't have liquor.

    The makes me the most bourgeois motherfucker here.

  41. I'm a Trot infiltrator, that's my excuse.

  42. "Ain't No Stopping Us Now" - McFadden and Whitehead. 1979.

  43. Neats wants to know if that is the new def for bougy--cable and liquor?

  44. Oh, and we represent people who only read books. Not too hep to the revolutionary vanguard of the professoriate, are you?

  45. Wait, didn't play earlier?

  46. no cable here either dave. I got my digital converter fired up.

  47. Chad -- Been meaning to mention that my uncle Mark Cecil works for the VA and Roseburg is part of his region. He's a hospital manager or something like that. He tours around.

    Mark is his first name and being my father's brother we have the privilege of the same last name.

    A handy way to make small talk if you run into him.

  48. cps -- given that nobody n this country produces anything any more, we're going to have to seek new definitions of "class."

    Let's just say a lack of cable and liquor indicates extreme poverty.

  49. I've got liquor tonight, so let's put a stop to those scurrilous accusations.

    Also, I'd like to take this moment to remind everyone that I voted for Barack Obama before you did. Nyah! Nyah!

  50. New thread is up, and incidentally dave, we voted in MD in February, so really I voted before you. Nyah. Nyah.

  51. Did you need to hand that to dr?

    Think man, think.

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