Monday, July 21, 2008


So, if you haven't noticed (and there really isn't a reason that you should have), I've been kind of AWOL around here lately, mostly due to the "relaxing" summer running me ragged. I hope to make it up to you in the coming weeks before I go on vacation, when I really won't give a flying fuck that I'll be nowhere near the innerwebs.

So to begin my penance, I proffer you this epic PRM of all things George Clinton and George Clinton related. Warning: these videos should not be viewed by those with heart conditions, acrophobia, or congenital whiteness. People with hip problems should consult a doctor before subjecting themselves to the funk. The OG is in no way responsible for any injuries incurred while getting your groove on. Please view responsibly.

"Tear the Roof off the Sucker (Give up the Funk)"

Holy shit, that was good. Plus, I love the shot of the horn section at around 4:50. I wonder what it was like to be "the white guy" in Parliament?

"Maggot Brain"

What's that, you say? Your mind is blown? Best that we ground you with some more protracted ass-shaking, courtesy of "Dr. Funkenstein"

OMG. I really cannot get enough of this.