Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Moosic Must

  1. So, Bowie has culled his own personal "Greatest Hits "comp and wants to spew on all writer-ly-ish about every song in some anglo quotidien.
  2. There's great new Jay Farrar material available in the 'video' section of his website; "Cocaine and Ashes" is a song about the Keef Richards/dad's ashes legend, and the harmony on the chorus is awesome. I argue harder and harder on the "don't hold Jay to his country roots" tip, but then he writes more songs in this kind of "Dead Flowers"-y vain and makes the White Hat crowd even needier.
  3. As noted with GabbaGabba Hey's high-profile appearance in our comments section, please be aware that a lovely vinyl rip of the crownhateruin's face-burningly great "until the eagle grins" has been made available unto you. It's got one of my favorite opening tracks on anything ever. So tough, in the way that caffeine-saturated, post-Positive Force vegans can be. Bass tone?
  4. Greg Ginn (and the Texas Corrugators) in Eugene tonight?
  5. A new Sea and Cake alb is coming, way ahead of schedule. And a new Neal Halstead in July? The freaking varsity team is coming off the bench, Lulu.
  6. Record Reviews of Pylon, Fire Engines, Big Dipper reissues very soon, and more.


  1. high profile - wha?

    sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not actually a vinyl rip of Until The Eagle Grins. The photos are of my vinyl copy, but the download link is of the CD version (I presume, anyway) from Zen and the Art of Face Punching.

    I could post a vinyl rip of the full LP, of course, but it would take some time and effort to prepare and I'm not sure if people regard listening to vinyl in mp3 form as that crucial an experience!

    So you're up for contributing to a Crownhate Ruin 'Hardcore Beat Drop' then? It could use that line about 'Ride Your Ride', for a start!

    cheers, Gabba

  2. gabba, i'm in on the beat drop. it's a good excuse to pull out the LP and take the whole thing in again.

    what about the fidelity of vinyl to tape? i'm thinking i have a fabulous c90 with _eagle grins_ and the second casket lottery, somewhere. mebbe that's my dog.

  3. cool, I'll be back from vacation on July 21st, so everyone will have until at least then to come up with some ideas. I'll post some more information before I go away on Thursday.

    I don't know about vinyl-to-tape - except that was the thing that was supposed to be the downfall of the music industry, right? I usually rip my 7"s to mp3 to listen to while walking around, but since each track has to be individually selected and converted, it becomes too time consuming really for anything longer.
