Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Letter Carriers, Boom!

Middle East Trip, Schmiddle Meat Strip! The Letter Carriers have endorsed Barry Obama. I don't blame them one bit, personally.

Tell me honestly. Don't you enjoy how much attention the labor movement draws during election season? We're just a bunch of candidate-endorsing mothereffers, ain't we?
What's that? Ballot Initiatives? We'll sponsor the crap outta those, Jack! We've got "Vote No" frames and "Vote No" campaigns that'd make Jackson-Lewis belch nervously.


  1. I'm going to vote the hell out of that "no." For fuck's sake, I just might go the route of making some homemade "Vote 'No'" signs for the office again.

  2. don't forget some accompanying "vote yes" signs - for the congressional referenda, natch! fucking fuck!
