Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kaine't be happening

I have to say I would not be too happy with a vp choice that was anti-choice, anti-stem cell research, and would mean the loss of a weakly held gov's seat.
I also think Daschle would be a very very bad choice.

I am sure this will not be popular here, but I have to agree with BTD:
The VP Choice: Do No Harm
By Big Tent Democrat, Section Elections 2008

Trapper John has an interesting post on how Barack Obama MIGHT be approaching his VP choice. Trapper's bottom line? Obama will choose the "do no harm" option. I suspect that is the thinking in the Obama camp and likely the McCain camp (though clearly McCain will be more likely to take a risk for some upside). Here's the problem I see with Trapper's analysis - it is impossible for any choice to not do some harm.

I know they do not like to hear this at daily kos, but the day Obama announces his VP and it is not Hillary Clinton, that will cause Obama harm. It may be unfair, it may be wrong, but it is a fact. (My own view is that picking Hillary Clinton clearly remains the best choice for Obama, both on the positive and negative side. Clinton's supporters will be energized, her fundraisers will work their heart out, the Clinton brand will help with voters on the issue of the economy, she has become a first rate campaigner, etc. But he will not pick her for reasons only Obama can and will have to explain.)

How's that for bait dave?


  1. Tasty.

    First, it's not like the myriad of reasons not to pick Hillary have not been hashed and rehashed again and again. Either you think Hillary would be a schemer in the White House that would stab Obama in the back every chance she got (or have Bill do it) or you don't. Either the Clintons are third-way visionaries that put together one of the only successful Democratic organizations in the last 40+ years, or they are corrupt politicians who will do whatever is necessary - including becoming Republicans-lite - to capture and hang on to power.

    Maybe it can be argued that once safely in office Obama can successfully sideline the Clintons and we'll hear little from them. I imagine that Hillary would find a way to get herself in the news any time she wants.

    So let me ask you back, EZ, do you honestly see Hillary and Bill as team players? No behind-the-scenes questioning of Obama's tactics? No finger wagging? No head shaking? No "that's not the way I would have done it?"

  2. I'd also question Hillary's fundraisers as something in the "plus" column. Obama doesn't seem to really need any help in that category.

    I also don't think Hillary would take the veep job if offered to her. Assuming an 8 year stint as veep, she'd be pushing the "age" envelope for a run in 2016. And if the first four years of the Obama presidency are a big flop, serving as his veep wouldn't enhance her presidential ambitions either. Honestly, I think staying in the Senate would be her best hope at remaining politically relevant and advancing her agenda.

