Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Cat Blogging

This has to be the most deliciously idiotic thing I have read quite some time. From what I can tell, Marie Jon' has the vaguest notion of what is happening in American politics and spares no wingnut cliche in discussing it. Highlights:
The American people must wake up to the the facts. The Democratic Party has moved well to the left of liberalism, and Barack Obama is — by his record — as far left as one can get in the party.

Once a liberal Supreme Court is installed, all traditional values will be null and void. Everything will change to satisfy the progressives' mind-set. Nothing would be sacrosanct, from the war against terror to the right to bear arms, late-term abortion and the varied definitions of marriage.

Senator John McCain is not trying to run as a Ronald Reagan conservative. He is a maverick. Yet, even his worst critics understand that our nation would be much better off in the hands of President John McCain than President Barack Obama.

Obama claims that he is for change. Indeed, he changes his own political stances with each passing day. Which Barack are Americans voting for? He is so com se comsa. With his gifted, articulate tongue, he speaks disingenuously to perfection.

Democrats are not grumbling about changes they've heard Barack make in his political positions. They understand the game of posturing and pandering to the general electorate. The Rev.Jeremiah Wright had twenty years to mold his protégé.

McCain will be a good steward of our recourses. Under his leadership, nuclear power and newly developed oil fields will become realities. There will be many different energy strategies employed to help our nation back on its feet.

Gas prices will begin to tumble to meet the needs of the consumers' pocketbooks as soon as the word is heard that we are taking care of business.

McCain is a man thinking about America's future. On all levels — whether environmental, social or political — he is able to weigh in. McCain has been blessed with the wisdom of that comes with age and experience.

Has half of America lost their minds? It begs an answer to address his obvious lack of experience and qualifications.

The sober, sound minds of our country will understand who is best qualified to lead the greatest nation in the world. Let's pray there are enough of them. Here, there is no doubt. John McCain is for me.


  1. When I was at Vanderbilt during the 2004 election, there was a lot of banter like this in the college newspaper (the very Vanderbilt Hustler) editorials. She'd fit right in, for certain. I do appreciate the two featured "grown-up words" though (sacrosanct, and some latin stuff--I don't know for sure, as I don't speak latin).

  2. I resent the notion that Obama is as "far left" as you can get in the Democratic Party. I'm hereby asserting that the OG is as far left as you can go and still be a Democrat, and those to the left of us are a bunch of terrorist-coddling pinko communists who no doubt eat babies while engaging in their secret homosexual-atheist rituals.

  3. may we please install

    "those to the left of us are a bunch of terrorist-coddling pinko communists who no doubt eat babies while engaging in their secret homosexual-atheist rituals"

    as our indefinite masthead?

  4. Give the current iteration of the masthead a week, and then yes.
