Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Cat Blogging

It's Friday. I'm at work alone. I am going on vacation next week. I had two e-mails in my inbox this morning, both spam. I've got nothing to do but blog. First of many, I imagine.

The local weekly alterna paper runs a column by local funny woman Sally Sheklow called Living Out. The column chronicles Sally's travails living in as a lesbian in what has to be one of the most queer friendly cities on the planet. It's not easy. This week Sally discusses her menstrual habits with us. The pull quote from the column is:
During our moon time we shared our insights about how the patriarchal paradigm was designed to keep us powerless, ignorant and deodorized.
I thought that just about summed it up, too. But what I've come to love about Sally's writing is how often she will say something that confirms the worst stereotypes that conservatives have about the gays or just liberals in general. Let me quote:
Ten years after junior high I learned the truth [that she has hormones that regulate her menstrual moods]. Thanks to the kindly dyke who taught my college health class, I discovered certain aspects of the female anatomy that had been completely obfuscated by the common era’s boys-have-a-penis-and-girls-don’t type of sex ed. I learned lots of things about my body that those lipsticked babes in the hygiene film never mentioned. That led me quite naturally into the world of woman-loving-women. In no time I came out and was living with, working with and processing every aspect of life with lesbians. Needless to say, our cycles coincided.
That's right. College health class equals lesbianism. "Quite naturally." Oy.


  1. That title keeps getting funnier the more I think about it.

  2. Damn, wobs said what I was going to say. That's hee-larious.
