Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Flight .45 to Dodge City

By and large, I really don't have a problem with guns or the people who enjoy shooting them. I understand their utility as well as their more sporting aspects. Most of the people I know who own a gun are responsible and sane human beings.

That said, I think it's also reasonable to have sensible measures in place to reduce the numbers of guns in certain areas. From the hands of criminals, from people who are not psychologically well enough for gun ownership, from playgrounds and schools, etc. And I really don't understand the mentality which requires one to be armed whenever out in public.

Do we really want firearms in our airports? Aren't they still kind of anxious places, haunted by certain events? What good is it going to do for Uncle Joe to be packing when he picks us up? How long before Citizen Yahoo blasts away at some dark man who, after 15 years of flying the same flight, week after week, 6 of those years being "specially screened" because of his last name (despite being born in Dearborn), finally has the temerity to tell TSA to fuck off?

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