Monday, July 28, 2008

Blogging malaise

Am I the only one suffering from a general case of blogging blahs? I want to contribute, but just have nothing to say at the moment. Anyone got any ideas?


  1. Alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

  2. Ah yes, because I am such a charming drunk!

  3. I have a post about the media's inaccurate portrayal of men's weight. What I mean is that I am always reading stuff like, "He wasn't tall, but he had some weight on him, 5'9", maybe 180." Anyone over 200 pounds is always 6'4" or taller. Personally, I am sick of it. Some of us are 5'10", 195, and struggling to look in the mirror without contemplating liposuction (how much does it cost? Anyone know?) without the media telling us that men 20 pounds lighter than us are "stocky." Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all! (and yes, I know my anger at the so-called "media" is really anger at myself for lacking the self-discipline to not become a tub of lard. I need to let down my defenses, admit I am a fatty-fat-fat and just stop eating so goddamn much!)

  4. dude, i just saw a photo of you on the facebooks (from AGEL maybe?) and you were looking good. what's this fatty-fat-fat nonsense?

  5. but i will take that general topic (minus dave's insecurities) and give it consideration. thanks.

  6. Dave looks skinny in those AGEL photos because of his broad shoulders.

  7. (of course, you'll notice...go ahead, notice. i can wait...that there are no photos of me anywhere on facebook. which is not an accident.)

  8. ash -- that's my point. i should be feeling good about myself, but am not because I am told that i am still wildly fat.

    I'm sure I'll put up a post about my dieting adventure one day, but I am still a little fucked up from it. I didn't quite hit my goal weight and I have ballooned back up since I went off diet. A decent percentage of me wants to cry every time I take a bite of food while the larger (and more stoned) part of me is ordering a pizza. I'm off diet, so I am only weighing myself 4 to 5 times a day, but, of course, I hate the results and think that I should go back on diet, but I am not sure I can take another round of it. I pretty much have to give myself an eating disorder in order to lose weight and I'm not sure if I did it again, I could pull out of it. I have, to my shame, perused pro-ana sites looking for tips.

    Anyway, I'll post about it some day (maybe, still embarrassed about the weight and want my weight loss total to be "impressive"), but it will be one of those long rambling posts where I say way too much and no one comments and then I cry my fat as to sleep every night for a week until I delete the whole blog and you're all pissed at me.

    dr -- thanks for the compliment on the shoulders. If i can't lose weight, maybe I can go in for shoulder extensions.

  9. Oh yeah, I think in my dream last night a very skinny EZ showed up. I was way impressed and kept trying to point it out to people, but no one cared.

  10. fuck. i'm sorry. dieting sucks.
