Monday, June 2, 2008

You're Going to Hell (Maybe)

Hey sinners!

If you felt that was a little harsh, I recommend taking the Good Person Test, brought to you by the American Family Association; you will discover that me calling you a filthy, lying sinner is nowhere as harsh as what Jesus would have to say about you. Adultering blasphemer.

What I love about this, aside from the harsh beyond-all-reason God, is that even the extremists on display here don't have the courage to live up to their own theology. If you are going to take the hard line on "Grace" v. "works," take it, but don't back out in the end with the "surrender to Jesus" bullshit. Surrendering to Jesus is an act. It is an attempt to earn one's way into Heaven. If you are going to advance the Grace argument, then we are all sinners and getting into Heaven is completely random.

Of course, now I have absolutely no reason to live by the dictates of your God, especially if being mad at someone means that I am a murderer (how many times have you murdered the Bush administration in your heart?). I have my lottery ticket to heaven, we'll see how she plays.

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