Monday, June 9, 2008

Terrorists everywhere!

Ever since the Obamas introduced America to the "fist bump of terror"...

... I've noticed that there's an awful lot of other people who are showing solidarity with Islamofarian America haters:

I, for one, will be hiding in my basement to avoid tangling with the Eight Iron of Allah.


  1. Eight Iron of Allah = priceless.

  2. Did you follow the link in the post script of the Carpetbagger Report?

    How did I miss that four(plus) years ago? I guess it's just mildly amusing when it's an old white man doing it in a scripted setting.

  3. Ha! That's like a less "authentic" version of Beers with Steve. I could see having a beer with Steve and talking shop. I have to try and suspend my disbelief that Wes Clark goes proselytizing in coffee shops to suspiciously well-coifed "hipsters."
