Thursday, June 19, 2008

Preferably with a Rope, a Rifle and Blindfold Will Do

A statement from the McCain camp:
Senator Obama is obviously confused about what the United States Supreme Court decided and what he is calling for. After enthusiastically embracing the Supreme Court decision granting habeas in U.S. civilian courts to dangerous terrorist detainees, he is now running away from the consequences of that decision and what it would mean if Osama bin Laden were captured. Senator Obama refuses to clarify whether he believes habeas should be granted to Osama bin Laden, and instead cites the precedent of the Nuremburg war trials. Unfortunately, it is clear Senator Obama does not understand what happened at the Nuremburg trials and what procedures were followed. There was no habeas at Nuremburg and there should be no habeas for Osama bin Laden. Senator Obama cannot have it both ways. In one breath he endorses habeas for terrorists like 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and in the next he denies its logical conclusion of habeas for Osama bin Laden. By citing a historical precedent that does not include habeas, he sends a signal of confusion and indecision to our allies and adversaries and the American people.

Let me be clear, under my administration Osama bin Laden will either be killed on the battlefield or executed. Senator Obama's failure to comprehend the implication of the Supreme Court decision he embraced and the historical precedent of Nuremberg raise serious questions about judgment and experience and whether Senator Obama is ready to assume the awesome responsibilities of commander in chief.
Whaaa...? Does McCain somehow believe that if Osama was captured that the US would have trouble convicting him of a crime? That "granting" him the right to be brought before a judge and have charges read against him is out of the question? McCain is already arguing that he (or the president) be allowed to act as judge and jury and (somehow) order Bin Laden executed without trial. Will the "execution" take place in the Rose Garden? Will it be televised? Is the GOP candidate for president really saying that the Iraqi execution of Saddam is the model he'd follow? Interesting.

Almost lends some credence to the notion that Osama was CIA and the government would be very happy to not have this fact discussed in public.


  1. I'm trying to wrap my head around McCain's complaint here. The Nuremberg defendants had access to council and were tried in public, thus they were accorded rights in excess of Habeas. How, then, has Obama backtracked?

  2. I believe that McCain is arguing that Obama is a pussy and that he'd strangle Bin Laden with his bare hands if he ever got the chance.

    But yes, yes, the Nuremberg defendants were tried and everything, with evidence! Evidence not gained through torture! Imagine.

  3. All McCain's got right now to excite his ever-shrinking base is bloodlust. Obama is appealing to a sense of justice. McCain is so hideously twisted that all he can offer is revenge.

  4. Nice tags.

    As my friend Roxy noted, it's Hobbes vs. Locke.
