Friday, June 27, 2008

Medium and Message

You know I love the internets as much as the next person. Why else would I be here now? But there is such a thing as appropriate use. (And no, I'm not talking about Dave's Harold and Kumar video.) You know what's not appropriate use? Telling someone that their father has prostate cancer via fucking e-mail. Kudos for being oh-so-web 2.0 by including a link to a video of a prostatectomy on YouTube, but still. 

Damn, yo. That shit ain't right.


  1. Yikes.

    I suppose you can look on the bright side. At least it wasn't left on your wall on Facebook.

  2. well, at least the prognosis is good. i guess i'll let it ride this long as i don't get an evite to the funeral.
