Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Italian Problem

I have a co-worker who is rooting for the Eye-ties during the Euro 2008 Cup. She is doing so largely based on the fact that the Eye-ties are babelicious. This is fine. Attractiveness is a fine reason to root for anyone. Some, but certainly not myself, would argue that it is the only reason to watch women's tennis.

The problem comes in where she seems to be under the impression that I, too, should be rooting for the Italians. My resistance to this proposal is greeted with incredulousness. My protests that the Italians are divingest, cheatingest, most soccer desecrating people on the planet and that no one who is not Italian roots for the Italians are rejected. Apparently, I fail to grasp exactly how awesome looking these men are.

Go France Romania!


  1. What, has she not noticed the Mediterranean good looks of the Spaniards or the Nordic splendor of the Swedes?

  2. I will say that watching the Italians is much more exciting than many other European sides. Like, say, the English. As to the relative aesthetic merits of European sides, I have to stand up for my Prussian ancestors.

  3. Okay, i will not deny that the Italians are babealicious, they absolutely are!! Mm-Mm!! :) However, you know damn well my rooting for Italy(and Germany)comes from my being Italian(and German).. You declaring me "not worthy of the title" because i wasn't born there doesn't mean i renounce it, nor does it negate the fact that my mother is almost 100% Italian, and my father almost 100% German. I am proud of my family and where i come from. You, my friend, can kiss my ass! :)~

    Go Italia!!

  4. and yes wobs, i have noticed those Spaniards... H.O.T ;)

  5. Holy crap, it's Lisa! Hey there!

    Sadly, I have nothing to contribute to this conversation.

  6. Yay! Mike's here! And he's taking potshots at English soccer! Hooray!

    And Lisa too! Oodelolly! Taking potshots at Dave! Huzzah!

    And Ash! All you have to do is root against your most hated former imperial power/for your favorite social democracy. In international soccer, picking your favorite side based on politics is a time-honored tradition (who among us hasn't cheered on the former imperial subject flattening their former colonial oppressor?) - so long as you acknowledge that Italians are the cheatingest bunch of floppy-floppers in the game.

  7. Anyone who declares Olive Garden to be her favorite restaurant forfeits her claim to Italian heritage.

  8. fuck - and - you

  9. ..and hi Ash! How the heck are ya?? I have the best memories of our summer together in the ol' gtff office.. Good times!! Sure miss you around here!
