Friday, June 27, 2008

Difficult iPod transitions

"Mrs. Hayes" - Alice Donut
"The Girl is Mine" - Michael Jackson (w/Paul McCartney)

It was difficult to move from an angry and raw tale of drunken murder fantasies driven by domestic alienation to a saccharine MJ and cheesy Sir Mac woo-off. But the lyrical shift from "Christ, you're an idiot!" to "I'm a lover, not a fighter!" was nauseatingly awkward.


  1. Dare we ask why you have "The Girl is Mine" on your iPod?

  2. Well, I put all of Thriller on there - warts and all, it's a great album ("Wanna Be Startin' Something" and "Thriller" are both funky classics in my book). Unfortunately, I suffer from a congenital defect which doesn't allow me to pick and choose tracks from "classic albums" for fear of ruining a cohesive whole.

    Do I need to get over that? Uh... probably.

  3. Damn it, I like that song. I like to think that somewhere in this great big world of ours, there is a girl who might be torn between the tender ministrations of both Sir Paul and King Michael. I'd also like to think that romantic entanglements can be settled via a melodic singing competition.
