Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Used in a Cynical Way" by the BHO admin

Inspired by a day spent stewing on EZ's previous query:
  1. From a trade unionist point of view, was it worth tabling EFCA for the Senate version of health care reform?
  2. Or, knowing what we know about the White House after this debacle, were we insane to thing we'd get any real "support" on EFCA in the first place?
  3. Would EFCA help more people, at this point, than the existing Senate health care bill?
Extra Credit: Is it disingenuous to talk about the "Senate bill" at this point, given that we've still got a lotta empirical questions about what, exactly, is in the Senate bill.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Will labor be the wrench?

Anybody heard about this?
Two of the country's largest labor groups, the SEIU and the AFL-CIO, are each holding emergency executive meetings today to discuss whether they should support the latest round of health care compromises made by Senate Democrats.

Though there's no official word yet, early indications based on talks with various officials are that the groups will either formally oppose the legislation or, less dramatically, just not fight very hard to ensure its passage.

I would like them to push against the "watered down" bill...

I wish we had gone the 51-vote route, but I am notoriously confrontational for no reason...