Thursday, October 2, 2008

Veepin' it real open thread

Will Chance the Gardener Sarah Palin be able to spout ninety minutes worth of folksy non sequiturs without drooling on herself? Will Biden be able to resist blurting out, "Are you for fucking real?" Come join us in the comments for what will assuredly be a debate for the ages; one where, years from now, you'll be able to tell your grandkids where you were at 9 PM EDT on October 2, 2008. Unfortunately, the answer to your grandchildren's query will be, "Making snide comments on some lame blog."


ash said...

snide comments!

dave3544 said...

I'm drinking rye and diet coke. What you all got?

wobblie said...

Wine here. I'm kickin' it East Coast elitist-style.

Three dollar bill says Palin starts by intentionally tripping while walking on to the stage to gain the audience's sympathy.

ash said...

sipping a very nice chianti while waiting for the eggplant parm to come out of the oven.

wobblie said...

You're the second person I've seen mention eggplant parmesan today. Strange.

ash said...

don't know if your weather has changed like ours has, but it's an eggplant parm kinda night.

ash said...

what networks are ya'll watching?

wobblie said...

We roll with the PBS here in the 301.

ash said...

C-SPAN here

CPS said...

can I call ya Joe?

lex dexter said...

i _loved_ "can i call you joe?"

dr said...

It's on!

dr said...

I'm ashamed to say that my current drink is (bad) whiskey and root beer.

wobblie said...

Holy shit - a soccer game? And shift to the touchy-feely.

dave3544 said...

Oh sweet jeebus.

Saturday soccer.

ash said...

sweet jeebus, look at the size of that flag pin--it's HUGE

wobblie said...

I think it crosses the line into patriotic "bling."

dave3544 said...


dr said...

First answer: Palin does not seem stupid. But she's so focused. Has God placed a teleprompter in front of her?

wobblie said...

She looks totally over-rehearsed.

EZ said...

wow that was not a very coherent first response from Palin.....

CPS said...

The worker!

wobblie said...

WTF with the wink!

ash said...

team maverick

dave3544 said...

At least Palin looks at the camera when she talks.

dr said...

First lie: When John McCain talked about the fundamentals of the American economy, he was talking about workers.

dave3544 said...

John McCain: New and Different!

dr said...

Go Ifill!

CPS said...

darn right!

dave3544 said...

Never Again!

Anonymous said...

who taught her what entrenched means?


dr said...

Who do you blame?

Palin says lenders. Didn't she get the talking points?

Palin comes out in favor of "strict oversight". How does that compare to regulation?

I think it was a strong answer.

EZ said...

its freakin spooky to watch.... I don't know what to type....she doesn't really say anything....

wobblie said...

I wish Joe Biden could just refer to the subprime mortgage with crisis as Big Shitpile.

CPS said...

I like that Joe is talking about McCain--it is like he got coached or something.

dr said...

Biden is wonky. Palin wins this question. Unless, that is, the American people aren't uniformly stupid. Tough call.

ash said...

damn, biden is kicking ass

dr said...

Joe's gas tank was good.

wobblie said...

My god - it's talking point hell.

ash said...

dr: better wonky than stupid

CPS said...

kick ass!

wobblie said...

No Senate jargon!

Anonymous said...

This format sucks


wobblie said...

Talking about procedural votes v. Homespun folksy "I'm tellin' it like it (wink)."

Anonymous said...

She can't answer questions beyond her rehearsed bits, huh?

Anonymous said...

I recomend the CNN feed for the hilrious feed on the bottom showing what people think of the anwers

dave3544 said...

did gwen iffil just call tax increases on those earning more than 250K "class warfare"?

Fuck me.

EZ said...

The format is perfect for Palin.

She can just spout 3-5 talking points per answer.

Anonymous said...

Thank god she told him to look at the camera...

dave3544 said...

Palin have 1.2M -- middle class to Sarah

Anonymous said...

yea! backwards!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna give you some points on that....jesus...

Anonymous said...

She tries to be cute and it makes me puke.

dr said...

I think Palin is doing very well. Imagine a low information voter watching this. They don't understand the issues, all they've heard is that Palin is a train wreck. So far, this isn't a train wreck.

dr said...

I love Biden on health care.

dave3544 said...


EZ said...

both of them need to watch the takeaway shots...they both are dropping weird looks when not speaking

Anonymous said...

ew...didn't like the bridge to nowhere thing....

wobblie said...

Sweet - bash on the foreigners first.

dave3544 said...

taxes is not our issue. Iffil and Palin are making this whole fucking debate about taxes.

This is not good.

CPS said...

dr--i am not so convinced the key audience is so stupid or "low-information"--you?

Anonymous said...

what do you think, Lips?

wobblie said...

Oh my god, she is so bullshit.

dave3544 said...

she's reading her talking points. how does that play?

EZ said...

I wrassled em to the groun and pulled thar teeth, bless their harts, broke me up sum adversly infects the energy loving people of alaskya

Anonymous said...

is it just me, or does she never REALLY answer the questions?

wobblie said...

A-ree-uh of expertise.

dr said...

cps -- no, that's really the question. If they *were* stupid then the CW about the first debate -- that it was a tie -- would have been right. So I have hope.

That said, I think Palin is already as low as she's going to get. There are people out there looking for an excuse to support her, and an excuse to support McCain against Obama.

dr said...

anon - that's the thing about this format. You don't have to answer the question.

EZ said...

revelations 9:11

dave3544 said...

that focus group thing is killing me.

going back to msnbc.

dr said...

By the way, a court is set to rule any minute on whether the troopergate investigation will continue.

EZ said...

rear that head of abuse...bringing peaps to the table... gotta do whats right... toxic mess and every vigilant main streeters face eaters

Anonymous said...

why do they refuse to bring up CHarles Keating?


dave3544 said...

did you guys see the ohio, florida, and pennsylvania polls that have obama ahead and above 50%?

dr said...

That CNN thing is freaky. Here's what I've noticed: women like the wonk.

dave3544 said...


They like more than that!


lex dexter said...

you guys are crazy. joe biden is trouncing her.

ash said...

i like the wonk

unionboy said...

AP says "An Alaska judge has refused to block a state investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power when she fired her public safety commissioner this summer."

EZ said...

That is not true... but I wanna talk about sumpin else

CPS said...

this is where gender and all the push on the whole moderator thing is an issue--Biden and Gwen needs to be more pushy and force her to deal with the questions at hand--she is talking about whatever she wants!

wobblie said...

"Tapped into" was definitely a focus grouped buzz word for her.

dave3544 said...

Gwen Ifill: I'd like to talk about whatever Palin would like to talk about it.

EZ said...

I can see russia from here!

dr said...

unionboy: no real surprise, but yay!

EZ said...

ain't no warmin here... I don't wanna talk about that , I wanna talk about sumpin else

dave3544 said...

There are other countries that care less about climate change than America?

Please someone ask how the FUCK drilling would help climate change.


wobblie said...

"Tapping into." See? Told you.

dave3544 said...

"Clean coal"

Half the GTFF just peed their pants.

CPS said...

there ya go Dave

dr said...

I'd say that China cares less about climate change.

CPS said...


ash said...

we can *safely* rape the planet. yeah!

Anonymous said...


lol come on

dave3544 said...

Not "building a pipeline" so much as paying a Canadian company $200 million to think about investigating the possibility of building a pipeline.

dave3544 said...

teh gays!

dr said...

Go Biden! Equality floats my boat.

wobblie said...

Palin is going to go all state rights here.

CPS said...

me--I am tolerant too!

Anonymous said...

her anything but tolerant? no!!!

dave3544 said...

Is she apologizing in advance for her intolerance by stating ahead of time that she's tolerant of the gays?

wobblie said...

New thread is available now.

dr said...

I disagree with almost everything Palin is saying, but she's putting on a strong showing.

Anonymous said...

I forget. was it a strategy or a tactic?


Anonymous said...

Bless their hearts, we both love little Israel down the street there!

Anonymous said...

I just want too take some time too Thank everyone for doing what you do and making the community what it is im a long time reader and first time poster so i just wanted to say thanks.